This great bouquet has a champagne glass shaped balloon in it and four regular sized (45cm) foil balloons. The 30th balloon is also available in 18, 21, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100! If you would like to send it to someone for their 50th birthday or whichever milestone age they’re celebrating, please let us know in the special requests section and we will include it. The champagne bottle balloon should last for approximately one week and the other balloons about five days. The bouquet is anchored down by a small noodle box with some lollies in it. PLEASE NOTE THE STAR SHAPED BALLOON IS NOW DISCONTINUED, SO WE ARE SUBSTITUTING IT WITH A ROUND BALLOON THAT SAYS “IT’S YOUR DAY”. THE “CHEERS” BALLOON HAS ALSO BEEN DISCONTINUED, BUT WE WILL SUBSTITUTE WITH A CO-ORDINATING COLOUR OTHER BALLOON THAT SAYS “CHEERS”.
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